SDNE-NewSlide5 Self Defence North East Slide 1 Self Defence North East Slide 2 Self Defence North East Slide 6 Self Defence North East Slide 7 Self Defence North East Slide 8 Self Defence North East Slide 9 SDNE-NewSlide10
Members Section

Members Section

Coming Soon for paying members.....

Launched !!! - Newly Updated August 2015

We are busy now uploading each week the videos that will be available to view for anyone wanting to teach themselves self defence online. All the lessons below have different participants in that some videos show a male versus male aggressor, some show a male versus female, female versus female (hairpulls) etc. There are some for parents to show children how they can learn to defend themselves. Some videos will be shot in real life scenarios, for example a park during the day and then that same park at night!  Interested in seeing the good stuff ?? Click Here

We will also be open to request from members at to what they would like the videos to feature. Once you have signed up you will be able to suggest techniques to be featured in future videos as we intend to add new videos on a weekly basis. Interested in seeing the good stuff ?? Click Here

We also intend to feature research on the law and self defence (United Kindom only). Where do you stand in law if you use these techniques? How and when (and how much force) does the law permit you to use in self defence? We will be showing examples and precedents that have already had test cases in the courts of law in this country. All will be revealed soon in my 'Members Section'. Interested in seeing the good stuff ?? Click Here

All the free videos on YouTube PLUS MUCH MORE!

The 25 Level 1 "Secrets of Self Defence" are FREE to all on YouTube at a basic level.

We call this 'Level 1'.

Where it is a potential scenario whereby you percieve the threat to be greater you may need to learn the same techniques at 'Level 2' or above.

'Level 3' onwards is where you may feel that the threat to either yourself (or your family) is such that more drastic measures are called for.

So the 25 Lessons x 4 Levels gives you the 100 "Secrets of Self Defence"

Below are our 100 "Secrets of Self Defence" next to each one we have indicated as to which techniques are in our members section for you to able view at the current time.

Higher Level

Available to Members Only

Videos Available Now (where ticked) include

In our 'Members Section'


Lesson Plan Number Level 1 (FREE) 2  3  4

1. Dynamic Risk Assessment

Covered in the gym  Sunday January 5th 2014

Available Now Animation


2. 3 'F's Fight / Flight or Freeze                

Covered in the gym Sunday January 12th 2014

Available Now Animation


3. Where does power come from?

Covered in the gym Sunday January 19th 2014

Available Now Animation

4. 3 Steps To Create Distance

Covered in the gym Sunday January 26th 2014

Available Now Animation

5. Using Your Body As A Weapon

Covered in the gym Sunday February 2nd 2014

Available Now Animation

6. Identifying Targets
Available Now Animation

7. Snipers 4 distances - 4 levels
Available Now Animation


8. Basic Wrist Release Available Now Animation

9. Clothes Grabs from the Front
Available Now Animation

10. Clothes Grabs from Behind Available Now Animation

11. Hair Pulls from the Front Available Now Animation

12. Hair Pulls from Behind Available Now Animation

13. Strangles from the Front
Available Now Animation

14. Strangles Against a Wall Available Now Animation

15. Strangles on the Floor
Available Now Animation

16. Bar Strangles / Sleepers
Available Now Animation


17. Bear Hugs from the Front
Available Now Animation

18. Bear Hugs from Behind Available Now Animation

19. Defence Against Kicks on the Floor
Available Now Animation

20. Defence Against Kicks and Punches Standing
Available Now Animation

21. Anti Rape Techniques
Available Now Animation

22. Defence Against Weapons
Available Now Animation

23. Using Weapons to Defend
Available Now Animation

24. Helping A Friend
Available Now Animation

25. Defence Against Multiple Attackers (possibly with weapons)
Available Now Animation


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Last Updated: 12-03-25