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0. Psychological Self Defence

Last Updated:10th October 2018

We will soon be adding this new section to our website.

Know your enemy, know who could prey on you! Know all about your predator.

Just like in the animal kingdom the balance in nature is such that, there is always a finely balanced ratio of predators to prey. Whether it be one lion to every ten wilderbeast on the plains of Africa or baboons and cheetahs, it is most likely another human being who will prey on you. But it is a certain type of 'human'. Forewarned is forearmed, and we will be adding to this section some interesting studies by the likes of:

Thomas Sheridan author of Puzzling People.

and Canadian self defence expert Stefan Verstappen.

A lot of the videos and training you will find on this website relates to very physical techniques. However preparing yourself mentally can be just as (if not more) important.

It is in this new section of our website we will build some handy tips from experts from around the world.

Below you will find some interesting links for you to click on and start doing your own research.

Owen Murray MBE and Self Defence North East does not however agree with, or is responsible for, the content of any of these external links. It is purely for your own personal discretion and discernment and intended only as a guide to help you build up your own personal knowledge.

Our webmaster Gary Wilkie has spent many hours researching the following external sources:

If you are perhaps unfortunate enough to experience a workplace bully or perhaps you are in an abusive relationship, a good start to begin a reference point of research on how to counter this is to Google 'Thomas Sheridan'. He wrote a widely acclaimed book "Puzzling People: the Labyrinth of the Psychopath"more...

Also you might find of interest Canadian self defence expert Stefan Verstappen - "The most Serious Problem facing us is The Increased Presence of Psychopaths" more...

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Last Updated: 12-03-25