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Member Requests

Last Updated October 31st 2018

Paying members simply enter your password to view the videos below

Added October 31st 2018...

Anti Rape attack from behind - strangle on knees with kick to chest at the end from Owen Murray M.B.E. on Vimeo.

Anti Rape attack from behind - strangle on knees versus male from Owen Murray M.B.E. on Vimeo.

Anti Rape - take attacker off - not explosive from Owen Murray M.B.E. on Vimeo.

May 2018

18. Bear Hugs from behind from Owen Murray M.B.E. on Vimeo.

And below a couple of videos for the ladies relating to hair pulls from behind...

12. Hair pulls from behind from Owen Murray M.B.E. on Vimeo.

12. Hair pulls from behind 2 from Owen Murray M.B.E. on Vimeo.

Video added for August 2017: Strangles on the floor (in the gym).

15. Strangles on the floor (in the gym) GOOD from Owen Murray M.B.E. on Vimeo.

Please log on again next week for full details... This month (July 2017) 'Clothes Grabs From Behind!'....

Owen versus Kim clothes grabs from behind from Owen Murray M.B.E. on Vimeo.

Clothes grabs from behind Kim versus Owen from Owen Murray M.B.E. on Vimeo.

Lots of new videos to appear here soon...
Please log on again next week for full details... This month (June 2017) 'Wrist Releases'....

8. Wrist Releases 0. Low level from Owen Murray M.B.E. on Vimeo.

8. Wrist Releases 0. Low level thru the thumb 180 degree - bend the elbow from Owen Murray M.B.E. on Vimeo.

Belated Happy New Year! Lots of new videos to appear here soon...
Please log on again next week for full details...

Wednesday 30th November 2016

Photos from a recent event at Stoke Mandeville Hospital in Aylesbury, England.

Update for October - The 3 missing 'Sniper' Videos havebeen added! Distances 1,2+3 at Level 4 had been missed off. But we have now completed uploading the videos in this section.

Update for September 2016 More new videos this month and an interesting link to a Podcast my webmaster Gary came across more.. (Peace Revolution episode 090: Habits of Freedom / Personal Protection & Defense Prime).

Featuring Joe Rogan on childhood bullies, Bruce Lee 1971 Interview it hits all by itself, The Divine Right of Self Defense – Mike Adams Documentary etc etc. Mostly US content but there is a Lee Morrison Interview also. Podcast is aprox 13 hours long and be warned it does contain some colourful language.

New videos include my members learning about 'Snipers' which is a fundamental part of my self defence strategy. Watch the videos below with your members password.

Owen showing John sniper from Owen Murray M.B.E. on Vimeo.

Owen showing John sniper 3 from Owen Murray M.B.E. on Vimeo.

Laura Bosh to snout on Craig from Owen Murray M.B.E. on Vimeo.

Craig bosh to snout - put down but cover groin - reverse leg sweep from Owen Murray M.B.E. on Vimeo.

John sniper feet movement from Owen Murray M.B.E. on Vimeo.


Good to see a few new members joining recently and soon they will be able to see even more new videos on my website. These videos give you four levels as to how to deal with aggressors at the different levels of perceived threat. New and current members are reminded that it's not just about the videos that are already covered on my website. You can email me with requests for scenarios you may feel have not been covered on the website. Once you have become a member and signed up through PayPal for only £2 per week! you can email me with your suggestions. Ideas we have had put forward recently have included scenarios such as "what do you do if you're attacked while sitting down driving your car, when you're stuck in traffic". Or even out how to handle an aggressor at your front door (therefore possibly in a confined space). These videos and more are available to view in my members section of my website. But remember stay out of trouble!

If you can't get to my gym, or if you don't live in the North East of England, or simply want to learn self defence online.....sign up now and view my videos shot at my gym. Click Here.

We are busy now uploading all the videos that will be available to view for anyone wanting to teach themselves self defence online. The videos are being shot and uploaded to my website each week based on our weekly self defence session every Sunday at my gym. So, if you can't make it down in person the next best thing is to become a member and watch the videos from the comfort of your own home!

All the lessons have different participants in that some videos show a male versus male aggressor, some show a male versus female, female versus female (hairpulls) etc. There are some for parents to show children how they can learn to defend themselves. Some videos will be shot in real life scenarios, for example a park during the day and then that same park at night! For only £2.00 per week you can become a 'Member'. We will then email you with a password (within 24 hours of signing up through PayPal)  to have access to the videos. Interested in seeing the good stuff ?? Click Here

We will also be open to requests from members at to what they would like the videos to feature. Once you have signed up you will be able to suggest techniques to be featured in future videos as we intend to add new videos on a weekly basis. Interested in seeing the good stuff ?? Click Here

We also intend to feature research on 'the law and self defence' (United Kindom only). Where do you stand in law if you use these techniques? How and when (and how much force) does the law permit you to use in self defence? We will be showing examples and precedents that have been set  already by test cases in the courts of law in this country. All will be revealed soon in my 'Members Section'.

I don't normally recommend defence against a knife attack but I often get asked so as promised check out these new videos as to how best to tackle a very difficult scenario.
These new videos are below, tap in your members password to view them.

22.1. Knife Attacks and Old Faithful from Owen Murray M.B.E. on Vimeo.

Last Updated Wednesday 27th July 2016

22.2. Practise only knife up against wall from Owen Murray M.B.E. on Vimeo.

22.3. Defence against a knife on the floor from Owen Murray M.B.E. on Vimeo.

22.4. More defence against knives Using kicks from Owen Murray M.B.E. on Vimeo.

22.5. More defence against knives - correct distance from Owen Murray M.B.E. on Vimeo.

22.6. More defence against knives - using clothing from Owen Murray M.B.E. on Vimeo.

Last Updated Wednesday 23rd June 2016

Talk given to the Royal Marines by Owen Murray

Northumbria URNU members were very honoured to have Owen Murray M.B.E 6th Dan come in as a favour to his comrade in karate Colour Sergeant Mick O’Donnell to give them a talk during Drill Night more...

Last Updated Wednesday 4th May 2016

This month we've added the next videos for members to view where I explain how you can the right weapon to the right target.

Right weapon - Right Target Laura versus Owen - (Excellent) from Owen Murray M.B.E. on Vimeo.

Owen, Tom and Paul right weapon to the right target (eye) (Good) from Owen Murray M.B.E. on Vimeo.

Owen looking at camera ridge hand strike right weapon right target (V.Good) from Owen Murray M.B.E. on Vimeo.


Last Updated Wednesday 30th March 2016

This month we've added the next videos for members to view where I explain how you can use various parts of your body as a weapon. These are parts of the body that you might not ordinarily think of using if you were ever confronted with a challenging situation.

Using your body as a weapon (various) from Owen Murray M.B.E. on Vimeo.

Using your body as a weapon (chin) from Owen Murray M.B.E. on Vimeo.

Using your body as a weapon (head butt) from Owen Murray M.B.E. on Vimeo.

Last Updated Tuesday 1st March 2016

This month we've added double the amount of new videos. These can be viewed only if you are a member and have our password.

Firstly Owen disusses the 3 "F"'s ! Do you know what the 3 "F"'s are?

2. Fight Flight or Freeze in the gym with class from Owen Murray M.B.E. on Vimeo.

Then below Owen discusses what the 10 Factors are as to where power comes from..

Owen discusses ten factors where does power come from (Good) from Owen Murray M.B.E. on Vimeo.

Last Updated Tuesday 23rd February 2016

We recently ran a course at Conyers School in Stockton-on-Tees.

Here is some of the feedback !

"Owen was fab again! Fab session, very worthwhile. I can't wait for the session next year."  - Teacher at Conyers School

"I can't believe how useful it was. I came along to have a laugh but it really made me realise how vulnerable I was and how, if under attack - I would do all the wrong things! A really valuable session. Thanks Owen!"

"I would recommend this for all college students. Fantastic day!"

"Absolutely brilliant day. I've already practiced it at home on all my family members!"

Last Updated Sunday 31st 2016

A grey area for many people is self defence and the law. Would you know what the maximum possible prison sentence would be for someone making a threat to kill another person?

Would it be:

a) There would be no custodial sentence. The court would more than likely simply dismiss this without any evidence that there was any intent.

b) Up to 18 months suspended.

c) Up to 10 years in prison.

You may be surprised to learn the answer. Click here

Click here to read some interesting content we have added regarding self defence and the law.

It is all to do with how you perceive the level of threat.

And that is what I explain in the four new videos we have uploaded relating to dynamic risk assessment. You can view them below.

Simply tap in your membership password.

In the meantime stay out of trouble.

Owen talks about Dynamic Risk Assessment video 3 from Owen Murray M.B.E. on Vimeo.

Owen talks about Dynamic Risk Assessment video 2 from Owen Murray M.B.E. on Vimeo.

Owen talks about Dynamic Risk Assessment video 1 from Owen Murray M.B.E. on Vimeo.

Owen talks about Dynamic Risk Assessment video 4 from Owen Murray M.B.E. on Vimeo.

Last Updated Wednesday 23rd December 2015

With another year drawing to a close it's about that time again to wish you all a Merry Christmas and Best Wishes for the New Year! In 2016 Gary will be uploading more videos and adding some very interesting articles (for our Members) relating to Self Defence and the Law. We have also been talking about releasing a Podcast for members to listen to on subjects such as "When do you call the Police?" and "What happens when the Police become involved?".

Last Updated October 21st 2015

On Sunday gone we made some new videos relating to anti-rape techniques (Number 21 of 25). It's a serious subject but Craig and Laura, two of my regular pupils handled these videos very well. We've uploaded several videos to give people a sample of the type of videos that are available to paying members, and we will leave them password free for you to view for a limited period only. Please take time to watchAnti-Rape-Technique-Thumbnail through these videos they show how simple techniques could help females and (indeed for that matter males) if ever they found themselves in an awkward situation where there are attacked by a sexual predator. Paying members will be able to view these with the usual password once the password protection goes on in the usual way. Click here to view the videos. Free for a limited time only.

Update for September 2015. See young Michael learn (the hard way!) about the difference between sleepers and chokes more...Young-Michael-learning-about-sleepers.png

More new members joining all the time, one of whom, Andy asked me to video the clothes grab from the front move. Members (including Andy) can view these videos by clicking here. Once you have joined you can either practise with me in person at the gym and / or ask for bespoke videos to be made for you to watch later in your own time. Members who have already joined can watch these videos by entering your password in the usual way.

Update for August 2015. Good to see a few new members joining recently and soon they will be able to see new videos on my website. Gary who looks after my website for me is busy uploading the number 25 videos which relate to defence against multiple attackers and we have got threeAndy - clothes grab from the front strike and walk past new videos at level two, also Levels 3+4 added July 31st 2015. These three videos give you three scenarios as to how to deal with two aggressors at the second level of perceived threat. New and current members are reminded that it's not just about the videos that are already covered on my website. You can email me with requests for scenarios you may feel have not been covered on the website. Once you have become a member and signed up through PayPal for only £2 per week! you can email me with your suggestions. Ideas we have had put forward recently have included scenarios such as "what do you do if you're attacked while sitting down driving your car, when you're stuck in traffic". Or even out how to handle an aggressor at your front door (therefore possibly in a confined space). These videos and more are available to view in my members section of my website. But remember stay out of trouble!

If you can't get to my gym, or if you don't live in the North East of England, or simply want to learn self defence online.....sign up now and view my videos shot at my gym. Click Here.

We are busy now uploading all the videos that will be available to view for anyone wanting to teach themselves self defence online. The videos are being shot and uploaded to my website each week based on our weekly self defence session every Sunday at my gym. So, if you can't make it down in person the next best thing is to become a member and watch the videos from the comfort of your own home! The dates each topic is covered are on the 'Members' section. We upload the videos as we go and they are availbale to view during the week from Thursday morning onwards.

All the lessons have different participants in that some videos show a male versus male aggressor, some show a male versus female, female versus female (hairpulls) etc. There are some for parents to show children how they can learn to defend themselves. Some videos will be shot in real life scenarios, for example a park during the day and then that same park at night! For only £2.00 per week you can become a 'Member'. We will then email you with a password (within 24 hours of signing up through PayPal)  to have access to the videos. Interested in seeing the good stuff ?? Click Here

We will also be open to request from members at to what they would like the videos to feature. Once you have signed up you will be able to suggest techniques to be featured in future videos as we intend to add new videos on a weekly basis. Interested in seeing the good stuff ?? Click Here

We also intend to feature research on 'the law and self defence' (United Kindom only). Where do you stand in law if you use these techniques? How and when (and how much force) does the law permit you to use in self defence? We will be showing examples and precedents that have been set  already by test cases in the courts of law in this country. All will be revealed soon in my 'Members Section'.


Courses Available Soon For People Of All Ages , Male or Female

Young or Old you can benefit from my training.


Lack of confidence is an inner thing. Please do not let this put either you (or in the case of parents) or your child be put off coming on my courses -- the whole point is to nurture and build your self esteem / confidence -- Only you can make that first step.


If you are worried about being 'unfit' - then please don't worry about this (the other 95% of the population are also 'unfit'!) and anyway that's the whole point! I take these sessions very gently based on each individuals personal fitness levels.

* PROTECT YOURSELF!Owen Murray Self Defence Courses for kids of all ages 2




"SelfDefenceNorthEast" is a trading name of Owen Murray MBE T/A SURESAFE

Paying Members can request specific topics for Owen to do a video on.

Last Updated September 29th 2015

Update for September 2015. See young Michael learn (the hard way!) about the difference between sleepers and chokes. Fair play to Michael, very brave.

Young Michael learning about sleepers from Owen Murray M.B.E. on Vimeo.

Also below request from Andy - Warm Ups (Video 1 of 2) Video 2 will appear next week.

Warm Ups 1 of 2 from Owen Murray M.B.E. on Vimeo.

Coming Soon - Andy - clothes grab from the front strike and walk past - September 9th 2015

Andy - clothes grab from the front strike and walk past

Andy - clothes grab from the front strike and walk past from Owen Murray M.B.E. on Vimeo.

Andy - Old Faithful from Owen Murray M.B.E. on Vimeo.

Andy - Old Faithful (without Andy) from Owen Murray M.B.E. on Vimeo.

Coming soon for Graeme - Sanchin Kata - July 10th 2015

Sanchin Kata Thumbnail

Sanchin Kata from Owen Murray M.B.E. on Vimeo.

Kicking Sequence for Nick from Cornwall - July 10th 2015

Kicking Sequence Thumb Nail


Kicking Sequence from Owen Murray M.B.E. on Vimeo.


You will be able to view both videos on Friday 10th July 2015

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Last Updated: 12-03-25