YouTube Videos
Self Defence & The Law
About Myself
Photo Gallery
Adults Female
Adults Male
How To Find Me!
0. Psychological Self Defence
1.Dynamic Risk Assessment
2. Fight Flight or Freeze
3. Where Does Power Come From?
4. 3 Steps To Create Distance
5. Using Your Body As A Weapon
6. Identify Targets
7. Snipers 4 Distances x 4 Levels
8. Wrist Releases
9. Clothes Grabs From the Front
10. Clothes Grabs From Behind
11. Hair Pulls From the Front
12. Hair Pulls From Behind
13. Strangles From The Front
14. Strangles Against A Wall
15. Strangles on the Floor
16. Bar Strangles / Sleepers
17. Bear Hugs from the Front
18. Bear Hugs from Behind
19. Defence Against Kicks on Floor
20. Defence Against Kicks & Punches
21. Anti Rape Techniques
22. Defence Against Weapons
23. Using Weapons To Defend
24. Helping A Friend
25. Multiple Attackers
Contact Us
Member Requests
Enquiry Form
Free Taster Sessions Are Now Only Available On Sunday Morning between 9.30 - 10.30 am
This is now only available to Members who have joined to view our videos!
First Name *
Last Name *
Email Address *
Is this interest for you or your child ??
Child Only
Adult Only
Adult and Child
Adult and more than one Child
Adult and friend
If the course would be for your child - how old is your child?
Is your child Male of Female?
I would like to bring a Boy and a Girl
Your Childs Name?
What type of session would you prefer?
One to one session
Your child to bring a friend
Your child to bring more than one friend
or to be part of a bigger group
Part of an adult group
Which day? (the session lasts one hour and starts on the hour)
Sunday Morning between 9.30 - 10.30 am
Please tell us your contact number *
Please tell us when it is convenient for us to call you?
Lastly to help us get feedback on which form of advertising is working best for us how did you hear about my courses?
I found you by using 'Google' (or other internet search engine)
I saw one of your leaflets
I used to train with you (Karate)
'Word of mouth' or recommended by friend
I saw your You Tube videos
Custom Form
Last Updated: 12-03-25